Xexun GPS trackers
To connect GPS device to our server, use one of IP addresses and PORT from the list below
IP : (Europe)
IP : (USA)
IP : (Asia)
GPSWOX software is fully compatible with Xexun.
If specific tracker is missing, please try to use the same Port as on the other tracker or contact us.
Port: 6002 or 6023
Xexun TK103
Port: 6002
Xexun TK103-2
Port: 6006
Xexun TK104
Port: 6001
Xexun TK106
Port: 6001
Xexun TK107
Port: 6006
Xexun TK108
Port: 6006
Xexun TK201
Port: 6006
Xexun TK202
Port: 6006
Xexun TK203
Port: 6006
Xexun TT18 4G
Port: 6233
Xexun XT009
Port: 6006
Xexun XT011
Port: 6006
GPSWOX software supports all Xexun trackers
GPS tracking devices produced by “Xexun” are suitable for fleet management, children or pets. It does not matter what object has to be protected from stealing or changing its own track, portable vehicle tracker alerts about every unforeseen situation. Select Your favourite GPS tracker on our online catalogue and buy it for reasonable price. Xexun GPS Tracker devices support GPS Tracking Software provided by GPSWOX. Do not wait and get your own Xexun GPS Tracker device which support GPS Tracking Software.