Genecko GPS trackers
To connect GPS device to our server, use one of IP addresses and PORT from the list below
IP : (Europe)
IP : (USA)
IP : (Asia)
GPSWOX software is fully compatible with Genecko.
If specific tracker is missing, please try to use the same Port as on the other tracker or contact us.
GPSWOX software supports all Genecko trackers
GPS Vehicle Tracking - the most convenient and easy way to connect your desired vehicles to your computer, smartphone or tablet in order to see all important updates in real time if the device can work online or has the internet connection. For particularly coherent vehicle tracking, GPSWOX presents new and based on new technology device - GANECKO GPS Tracker. Genecko GPS - tracker that can be used for tracking a cargos, trucks, ships, big amount of cars and other similar transport. Having the ability to set up needed boundaries or send SOS alarms to the owner in the case of theft these comfortable and modern Trackers are being sold for an very attractive price.
Buy Genecko GPS Tracker online and control your company vehicles easily. Know when your cargos or employees has reached the final point or when they leave or enter the geo zone you have marked. Most importantly, keep your transport and workers safe, knowing their exact location.