Galileosky GPS trackers
To connect GPS device to our server, use one of IP addresses and PORT from the list below
IP : (Europe)
IP : (USA)
IP : (Asia)
GPSWOX software is fully compatible with Galileosky.
If specific tracker is missing, please try to use the same Port as on the other tracker or contact us.
GalileoSky 2.5
Port: 6034
GalileoSky 4.0
Port: 6034
GalileoSky 5.0
Port: 6034
GalileoSky 5.1
Port: 6034
GalileoSky 7.0
Port: 6034
Galileosky 7.0 Lite
Port: 6034
GalileoSky Base Block
Port: 6034
Galileosky Base Block Lite/Optimum/Wifi/3G
Port: 6034
GalileoSky Boxfinder
Port: 6034
Galileosky OBD-II
Port: 6034
GPSWOX software supports all Galileosky trackers