Field Services GPS Tracking
Not everyone can deal with various breakdowns that usually happens at home. For this reason, today we have many different companies that offer reliable repair services. However, not always the companies that are responsible for pest control, pool cleaning or lawn mowing, yard maintenance or any other jobs, are capable to keep their tools safe. You are running one of those companies? Do not waste your time by purchasing new equipment every time you lose it or when it eventually gets stolen. Protect your corporate assets by taking serious actions!
To keep your equipment and vehicles safe, rely on GPSWOX field service GPS tracking software and solutions. No matter, you run a huge services company or the small one that actually doesn’t have much inventory to offer, make a right decision and protect what belongs to you. The GPSWOX equipment tracking system provides these features:
1. Real Time Tracking and Reports. The main advantage of real time tracking is ability to keep your vehicle or equipment followed every time of the day in real time. Instant notifications about the exact location, vehicle status, such as: speeding, fuel savings, stopovers and etc. Historical tracking feature, which allows to record the most important details about a tracking object and see it later on. And of course, SOS alarms in the cases of theft. All of this, you will be able to obtain while using equipment tracking system.
2. Geofencing / Special Details. Geofencing - one of the most likeable feature of all field services companies. Using GPSWOX tracking solutions, you will be allowed to set up a boundary for your tracking objects and receive instant notifications when it suddenly leaves or enters the specific geo zone. The alerts and all other previously mentioned notifications will be sent directly to your smartphone, computer or tablet that has the internet access. In addition, all special details our software and trackers will provide, will definitely help to improve your services and ensure the safety of various equipment.
Looking for the most reliable and high-quality GPSWOX Tracking software and tracking devices? Field service tracking software and tracers can be purchased for an attractive price only at GPSWOX.COM